At Mom & You Clothing, we understand the importance of trust in building a successful partnership. We are committed to fostering a transparent and mutually beneficial relationship with our valued resellers. Here are some key points to assure you of our commitment to trust and integrity:

1. Quality Assurance:

  • Mom & You Clothing takes pride in delivering high-quality, stylish clothing. Our products undergo rigorous quality checks to ensure they meet the standards our customers and resellers expect.

2. Transparent Pricing:

  • We believe in transparency in our pricing structure. The Dealer Price provided to resellers is based on fair and competitive market practices, allowing you the opportunity for a reasonable profit margin.

3. Timely Communication:

  • Communication is key to a successful partnership. We are dedicated to providing timely updates on product availability, promotions, and any changes in policies that may impact our resellers.

4. Support and Training:

  • Mom & You Clothing is committed to supporting our resellers. We provide training resources, marketing materials, and assistance to help you effectively showcase and sell our products.

5. Fair Returns and Exchanges Policy:

  • Our returns and exchanges policy is designed to be fair and reasonable, ensuring that both Mom & You Clothing and our resellers can handle customer concerns with professionalism and efficiency.

6. Flexibility and Collaboration:

  • We understand that the retail landscape is dynamic, and we are open to collaboration and feedback. If you have specific needs or suggestions, we are willing to explore ways to enhance our partnership.

7. Timely Payments:

  • Mom & You Clothing is committed to processing payments promptly and efficiently. We value your partnership and understand the importance of financial stability for your business.

8. Continuous Improvement:

  • We are dedicated to continuous improvement in all aspects of our operations. Your feedback is invaluable, and we actively seek ways to enhance our products and services based on your insights.

By choosing Mom & You Clothing as your fashion partner, you can trust that we are invested in your success. We look forward to building a lasting and fruitful relationship with each of our resellers.

Thank you for choosing Mom & You Clothing.

Know about Terms of Dealership.

Please contact us on our Official WhatsApp number to apply for dealership: +91 9876317998